Daily Contact Lenses vs. Monthly: What's the Difference?

In the realm of vision correction, contact lenses have emerged as a popular and convenient alternative to traditional eyeglasses. These tiny, curved lenses are designed to rest directly on the eye, providing clear and unobstructed vision while allowing for a natural field of view. As you navigate the world of contact lenses, you'll encounter two main types: daily disposable and monthly disposable. Understanding the differences between these two options is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with your lifestyle and eye health needs.

What is a Cataract?

Author: First Sight
When it comes to your vision, maintaining clarity and health is paramount. However, sometimes age or other factors can lead to changes in your eyes that affect your sight. One such change is the formation of a cataract, a condition that can blur and diminish your vision over time. Understanding what this condition entails is the first step towards preserving your eye health.

Is it Really Necessary to Dilate Your Eyes?

When it comes to maintaining our overall health, routine check-ups are vital. They help detect any potential issues early, enabling swift intervention and prevention of severe complications. One such routine check-up is an eye exam.

The Story Behind the Mural

Author: First Sight
At First Sight Eye Care we live by the words “the art of eye care,” so we knew right away that we needed a location that embraces that message.

To Polarize or Not To Polarize

Author: First Sight
Polarized sunglasses are designed with a special filter that blocks intense reflected light, thereby reducing glare. They work on a simple principle of wave polarization. Like other waveforms, light waves can oscillate in more than one direction. Polarized sunglasses only allow light waves moving in one direction to pass through, effectively reducing the intensity of light that reaches the eye.

What Story Does Your Eyewear Tell?

Author: First Sight
At First Sight Eye Care, we choose to carry brands that tell a story. Allow me to introduce you to some of our favorite glasses brands.

Artificial Tears: The Recall Saga

Author: First Sight
Artificial Tears: The Recall Saga - On February 2, 2023, Global Pharma Healthcare recalled two artificial tear products. Read on to find out more.

Blue light: What it is, why it matters, and should I be concerned?

Author: Matthew Pennel, Optician
Learn more about what blue light is, and what can you do about its effect on your eyes.

New Kid on the Block

Author: Amanda Geary, OD
We are excited to share the story of First Sight's Grand Opening, read on to learn about all the behind the scenes details.


Author: Matthew Pennel, Optician
Learn more about the importance of your eyewear materials, what they are, and why they matter.